love this website! It has so many traditional songs that every
child should know. But many parents don’t know them, so it's
great being able to print out the song poster and have trained
our story time parents to use the website to sing the same songs
at home.
I always make sure there is a book
display of picture books based on traditional songs, and I use
at least one during each story time. I have made the
felt pieces
and use the felt songs I found on the activities page, and I
read picture books that tie in with them. For example, when I do
the Felt Board Train Song, I read Chugga Chugga Choo Choo, by
Kevin Lewis.
I have printed out some of the early learning and music
information for parents, and let them know singing is one of the
easiest ways to help them get their children ready to read.
Having all of these
materials right there on the website has made my story times a
joy to prepare; and kids love the songs!" |