Clickety clack, a-long, a-long (move
arms like train wheels)
A train is coming, a-chonk, a-chonk
Clickety clack a mile away
(peer with hands over eyes)
It hasn't a second of time to stay
(tap wrist)
It sings a noisy rackety song
(hold hands over ears)
A rickety-rockety-rackety song
"Get off the track, it isn't where you belong!"
(hitch thumb to side)
Over the bridge and across the lake (ride
hand up and down an imaginary track)
A mile a minute it has to make
A clickety snake with clackety eyes
(wiggle arm like snake then hold hands like
It wriggles and jiggles along the ties
(wiggle whole body)
It sings a noisy rackety song (hold hands over ears)
A rickety-rockety-rackety song
"Good-night little baby, in bed is where you belong ...
sshhhhh!" (pretend to