Egg Shaker Song |

music and links on how to make your own egg
shakers and other egg shaker
songs |
How to download the song and PDF sheets:
1. RIGHT-click on the download button (Mac
Ctrl click).
2. Then, (depending on your browser) select "save link as"
"save target as" and then navigate to the folder where you
want to save it. |
If you have a pink egg,
shake your egg, shake your egg
If you have a pink egg shake your egg
If you have a purple egg shake your egg, if you have a purple
egg shake your egg
If you have a blue egg, shake your egg, shake your egg,
If you have a blue egg, shake your egg.
Everybody shake your egg.
Shake, shake, shake your egg
Everybody shake your egg.
Shake, shake, shake your egg
Shake, shake, shake, and shake, shake, shake a-shake
Shake your egg, shake your egg