Peanut Butter and Jelly |
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Peanut, peanut butter……….jelly!
Peanut, peanut butter……… jelly!
First you take the nuts and you crush them, you crush them
(pound one fist on open hand in rhythm to “crush” nuts)
First you take the nuts and you crush them, you crush them
Then you take the grapes and you smoosh them, you smoosh them
(flat hands together, in squishing movement)
Then you take the grapes and you smoosh them, you smoosh them
Then you take a knife and you spread it, you spread it
(pretend to hold knife, and spread)
Then you take a knife and you spread it, you spread it
Then you pick it up and you eat it, you eat it
(pretend to hold sandwich and take a bite)
Then you pick it up and you eat it, you eat it
Last chorus, hum melody with mouth closed as if teeth stuck
together with peanut butter!