A Community Songsheet

Scotland's Burning
How to download the song and PDF sheets:
1. RIGHT-click on the download button (Mac Ctrl click).
2. Then, (depending on your browser) select "save link as" or
    "save target as" and then navigate to the folder where you want to save it.
Scotland's burning, Scotland's burning,
Look out! Look out!
Fire, fire, fire, fire,
Pour on water, pour on water

Scotland's burning, Scotland's burning,
Look out, look out!
Fire, fire, fire, fire,
Pour on water, pour on water

Hear the fire bell, hear the fire bell,
Ding ding ding ding ding!
Hear the siren, hear the siren,
Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo!

Shiny engine, hook and ladder,
Firemen running, hear them shout,
Pour on water, pour on water,
Put the fire out!