The Farmer In The Dell |
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The farmer in the dell,
the farmer in the dell
Heigh-ho the derry-o, The farmer in the dell
The farmer takes a wife, the farmer takes a wife
Heigh-ho the derry-o, the farmer takes a wife
The wife takes the child, the wife takes the child
Heigh-ho the derry-o, the wife takes the child
The child takes the nurse, the child takes the nurse
Heigh-ho the derry-o, the child takes the nurse
The nurse takes the dog, the nurse takes the dog
Heigh-ho the derry-o, the nurse takes the dog
The dog takes the cat, the dog takes the cat
Heigh-ho the derry-o, the dog takes the cat
The cat takes the rat, the cat takes the rat
Heigh-ho the derry-o, the cat takes the rat
The rat takes the cheese, the rat takes the cheese
Heigh-ho the derry-o, the rat takes the cheese
The cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone
Heigh-ho the derry-o, the cheese stands alone