A Community Songsheet

Yankee Doodle
How to download the song and PDF sheets:
1. RIGHT-click on the download button (Mac Ctrl click).
2. Then, (depending on your browser) select "save link as" or
    "save target as" and then navigate to the folder where you want to save it.


Yankee Doodle went to town, a riding on a pony

Stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni
Yankee Doodle, keep it up, Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step and with the girls be handy

Father and I went down to camp along with Captain Goodin
There we saw the men and boys as thick as hasty puddin’
Yankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step and with the girls be handy

There was Captain Washington upon a slapping stallion
And all the men and boys around, I guess there was a million
Yankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step and with the girls be handy