On September 1st, 2012, the Sing With Our
Kids Pilot Project was launched. Since then we have held dozens
of events, and new ones are being added. In this section you
will find detailed notes on how each event was planned and held,
as well as a printable planner and tips sheet you can use to
plan your own event. Whether you are a single school, or a whole
community, you can use as little or as much of the information
here, or just use it to inspire your own ideas! |
Project Event Journals
Click on Events below for detailed documentation
Ring Around the Rosy
Best Ever Books to Read
and Sing Event
These Events have
been held, and documentation is coming!
Community Christmas Caroling
May Pole Celebration
Flash Mob
Parent Talk on Music and Early Literacy
Story Time at the Library
Pajama Story Time at Local Book Store
Grandparents Gathering
Community Sing-Along Scavenger Hunt
Community Parade Participation
Campfire Sing-along
Flash Mob
in local Farmer’s Market
Paper Mache Fruit Shaker making
Community Sing-along Scavenger Hunt